FUIB Annual Report 2017
The goal is to position the bank as a high-tech one in the eyes of existing and potential clients. Demonstrate how it transforms according to a rapidly changing world and clients needs.
We made two versions of the report: web version and pdf to download.
In this report, the bank continues the tradition of previous releases — education of clients. The report explains what was going on in the economy and the banking system of Ukraine during 2017, and shows the results of FUIB.
A separate section of PDF we dedicated to technological changes in the world: it shows how technologies change the economy, trends in tech development, and how they affect people's lives.
Although the website refers to technologies too, its concept is rather insightful. The page is represented as a regular working calendar of the Ukrainian businessman of the future. The scheduled events (cases and working meetings) represent specific technological trends mentioned in the PDF report.
Through the tale of future technological changes, the report also explains how FUIB transforms its own business: it becomes digital and more convenient for clients